Thursday, 30 May 2013

Review of past event (10th Intervarsity Accounting Quiz)

Let's start with MMU Accounting Club's most grant event, Intervarsity Accounting Quiz (IVAQ).
Basically it is an accounting quiz competition nationwide which gathers all the undergraduate talents in Malaysia to test their accounting knowledge. The photos below might tell you more ~

19th March 2011
10th IVAQ

Banner for the 10th IVAQ!!! Here the story begin~

The venue: Sri Negeri, Melaka

The register counter for the audience
Remember sign your name here ;)

Huh... and now gentlemen? Wondering why they line up in row???
Dang Dang Dang!! They were here to welcome our beloved VIP!!!
Have a close look for our VIP
Opening ceremory

Wow... see the difference of the 'big ball'??
Our handsome host of the day!!
The group of sophisticate judges
Participants from different campus

Our charming usher for the day!!

Interesting sing and dance performance by the people from Botswana

They are awesome!!
Could you imagine they dance and sing without any instruments?
Just barely the rhythm create by their feet. :D

Entertaining dance by students from MMU Malacca
Brief talk from representative of CPA
You will get more detail about CPA, dun miss it!!
The winner for lucky draw~ The white lucky lady~
There were some booth of our sponsors
which students could have a tour there and the benefits are last longer through your future~
Beside lunch, every attendance got some free gifts from our friendly sponsors  =D

Now let us look into the competition~
The competition including individual and group category. Group category is consists of 3 people and 1 backup.

Individual category

This is how the first stage of individual quiz look like~
Every individual participants are busying complete their quiz.

The best 6 from the first stage is proceed to the second stage.
They were required to answer the question spontaneously on the stage
while competing with others competitors.
The winner will be the fastest and the correct one among them!
Exciting!!! :D
The best 4 who have the higher score is proceed to the final stage.
They were require to answer the questions without the present of other competitors on the stage.
Here come our 3rd prizes winner for individual category!!
2nd prizes winner for individual category!!
1st prizes winner for individual category!!

Group category

If not mistaken, there

The backup participant for each group are sitting beside the stage.
They got the benefit to watch the question on the slides
while the other groups members on the stage could not saw the questions on slides.

Congratulation to the winner for group category of 10th IVAQ!!

10th IVAQ organizing commitees

The END... :)